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What’s your ring tone?
message: message alert 4, domisoldofalaa *nadanya, hahaha*
telpon: Goodbye- Sr-71
Who’s the 1st person that comes up under M?
Mama . wakaka
Who’s the last person you called?
Abun - minta anterin ambil rapot
Who was your last missed call from?
eh! ibu - hahahahaha ibundakuh! misscall nyuruh keluar :P
Who is the first person under C?
chikita - chikita monicaa, mantan gifari kelas 7. hm yaya
Who’s your speed dial number 2?
rumahgue - nomer 1 ibu, nomer 2 rumah, nomer 3 gaganpandasyalala :-* hm sowat haha
What does 3rd text in your inbox say?
anggi pacarnya mbak ajeng - iya ayah juga saya bunda. bund bobo yu. iluimuinu. dah cntq
Who was your last received call from?
eh! ibu - biasaa hahaha
What does your 5th inbox text say?
anggi pacar mba ajeng - Ayh jg mksh y bund. Bunda udh mw jdi ce yg pling perfect buat ayh. Luv u bund. Dah yang chubby, muaach . ( HP dikuasai mbak ajeng ==" )
How many messages are currently in your inbox?
What is the wallpaper?
foto zero, ichii, forte, mikado, sama kotaro :D
Since buying your phone, how many messages have you sent all together?
banyaaaak banget 400an ada, eh lebay engga deng hm gatau ah
Who is the 7th message from in your inbox?
anggi pacar mbak ajeng - ok cntik, bunda lgs bobo y, jgn boong lo. ayh pgn bbo breng am bunda cz
Who’s the 1st person who comes up under B?
How many bars of signal do you currently have?
What network are you on?
IM3 muaaahh
Name every person you have text messages from inbox?
anggi pacar mbak ajeng, cloverandrop, linnerd, dll
What does your 20th text message in your inbox say?
anggi pacar mbak ajeng - masud ?
Who is the first person in your contacts?
Who is the last name in your contacts?
What does the bottom text in your inbox say?
anggi pacar mbak ajeng nyuruh nunggu di rumah mba yosi
What is your screen saver?
foto aku, mba ajeng, ma abun
What is your battery balance?
battery full.
Who is the last person under H?
haryo - hah siapatuh? ooh temen sd haha
What is your bluetooth name?
How many numbers are in your phone?
lots of numbers
Whats the first video on your phone of?
blum ada videoo karena blum pernah ngerekam di hape ini
Could you live without it?
NO. hiahahahaha
What is the 3rd picture on your phone?
foto mba ajeng lagi narsis abis
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