Jumat, 10 April 2009

Let's Be Thankful

Reminding me of all the things that I am thankful for..

Like Mom and Dad who love me, and who always understand..

My older sisters who is there to lend a helping hand..

My friends who help me get back up when my plans don’t succeed.

And friends who give a gentle push when that is all I need

I’m thankful for my teachers too, who help me to stretch my mind.

And open up new worlds to me with books of every kind.

I’m thankful for the time I have to play games with my team,

and thankful for the time I have alone.. to think and dream.

And music.. I’m so thankful for the songs that we can sing.

And the music that surrounds us made by every living thing!

I’m thankful for this world which Allah has given to us all.

For the endless wonders in it.. every creature great and small.

The creatures living in the forests, jungles, fields and seas.. and animals who live with us and join our families!

I’m thankful for the gentle breeze that rustles through my hair,

and soft cool showers that feed flowers which pop up everywhere.

I’m so thankful with everything, even to the tiniest thing around me..

which is the reason why I can give smile, joy and happiness to all people :)

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